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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to have to employ Forte’s services?

All you need is a dream, an idea of how much money you want to spend, and we will fit your dream into your budget; making your dream a reality.

What is the cost to design a house?

This depends on the requirements of the client, in relation to square footage of the house, the number of rooms, any special requirements, etc. This is generally determined after the initial meeting with the client. However, if the client hires Forte’ to construct the house, the design fees will be deducted from the construction cost.

What is the cost of constructing a house?

There are many factors which affect the construction cost of a house. It depends on the size of the structure, the topography of the land, the depth of the foundation, the type of finishes being used, among other things. This is usually determined after consultation with the client.

How long does it take to construct a house?

Generally, a minimum of six (6) months. However, this is dependent upon the complexity of the design, the site conditions, weather conditions, changes made by the client, the availability of funds, among other things. These factors can extend the construction period.

Are design plans required for an extension to an existing house?

Yes. This is required by the Town and Country Planning Department. It is also best for the person constructing the extension to have a plan to work from so the project is completed correctly. Forte’ is well able to assist you with any extension plan, to ensure that your ideas and feasible for the area you have to work with, and to make your extension a reality.

Will I have to purchase the materials for the construction of my house?

There are several contract arrangements that can be made. Forte’ can provide all the materials, equipment and labour needed to complete the project. Forte’ can also provide a labour-only service, where the client is responsible for providing all materials and equipment needed for the project. However, it is best to allow us to handle all areas of the project on your behalf, as this allows the construction process to proceed more efficiently.

Do you build houses from plans you did NOT design?

Yes! We most definitely do! If you have your approved plans and you are happy with that design, we at Forte’ would be more than happy to bring your house plans alive by constructing your home for you.

If I have plans but would like adjustments made to them, would you be able to make the changes for me?

Of course! Having been in this business for many years we understand that clients may want to add or delete features from plans after they have been completed. We also know that things do not always go well with some service providers. So, we at Forte’ Design and Construction Services are always willing to adjust plans to reflect changes required by clients, so they acquire the home/building they desire.