Design Guidelines and Tips (Part 2)

Design Guidelines and Tips (Part 2)

— Design Guidelines and Tips (Part 2)

As promised in part 1 of this article, I will speak briefly on the Site (Land) S.W.O.T. Analysis. S.W.O.T. analyses are traditionally done within businesses and health care organisations, to name a few.

The Site S.W.O.T. analysis examines the possible Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats associated with your building site. Some may consider the site S.W.O.T. analysis to be simply a site visit. However, the S.W.O.T. goes beyond just visiting the site to get its location and extends into a careful examination of potential hindrances and possibilities of the site. Although not mandatory, this analysis can help you to decide whether what you have in mind or on paper, is practical, and how you can make the necessary adjustments within the design stage before construction commences.

Let us look briefly at each aspect of the site S.W.O.T. analysis.

Strengths – When building a home or commercial office you want to make sure that you get the most out of your site (land). This aspect examines the features of your site that can give you what you are looking for and more, in your finished home or office building.

One possible strength could be the view which your site offers. This dictates, for example, where you would place your patio or deck.

Weakness – It is very important to know the cons of your building site before you complete your design. Site hindrances obviously would affect what you can and cannot build on the site. Also, if not discovered before construction, they can negatively affect your construction budget.

One possible weakness could be having to go very deep before you reach rock for the foundation. Deep foundations can be very costly. We recommend that if you are not sure how close rock is to the surface of your site, that you do test holes prior to purchasing the land.

Opportunities – Now who does not like to good opportunities. Your site can provide you with some favourable conditions that can enhance your home or office. Being aware of these positive conditions before the design is completed and construction starts, means that you will be able to take full advantage of all the opportunities your site has to offer.

One possible opportunity could be a sloping site. There is great potential in land that slopes. Sloping land provides the opportunity for you to have a basement or an apartment for rent or for visiting family members or guests.

Threats – These are things that can affect your site during or after construction. For example, if your site is in a valley-like setting, there could be the possibility of flooding if adequate drainage is not in place.

These are some of the areas the site S.W.O.T. Analysis could bring to the fore. Again, though not mandatory, it would help you to get the best design for your site and make the construction process smoother and more economical.

Author: K. Browne (Director)